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Larry Menzie, Clip 2: LGBT Social Groups in Queens

Collection: Queens Memory Collection at the Archives at Queens Library: Larry Menzie
Date: Time Period: 1999-2017; 2017-12-06; Interview recorded: December 6 2017 Material: Digital audio recording made using Iphone 7 / Voice Recorder Pro digital recorder. Dimension: Total running time: 00:01:42
Creator: Larry Menzie interviewed by Fran Kipnis Identifier: aql:26214 larry-menzie-clip2

Description: Larry describes how LGBTQ activist DirkMcCall, founder of "Out Astoria" was able to bring people together through social groups. His efforts led to creation of similar organziations such as "Out Bronx", "Out Forest Hills" and "Out Rockaways".

Collection : aql:20455; aql:26219

Creator : Larry Menzie interviewed by Fran Kipnis

Date : Time Period: 1999-2017; 2017-12-06; Interview recorded: December 6 2017

Summary/Description : Larry describes how LGBTQ activist DirkMcCall, founder of "Out Astoria" was able to bring people together through social groups. His efforts led to creation of similar organziations such as "Out Bronx", "Out Forest Hills" and "Out Rockaways".

Subject : Gay activists; Social groups; McCall, Dirk

Rights : Contact for research and reproduction requests.

Coverage : Locations discussed: Astoria, Queens NY, Forest Hills, Queens, NY, Rockaway Park, Queens, NY Forest Hills (New York, N.Y.) Queens (New York, N.Y.)

Type : Oral history

Format : Digital audio recording made using Iphone 7 / Voice Recorder Pro digital recorder.; Total running time: 00:01:42

Identifier : aql:26214 larry-menzie-clip2

Related Items

Gay activists; Social groups; McCall, Dirk

Audio Clip

Rights Notice
Contact for research and reproduction requests.

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