Yokaira Espiritu-Santo Clip 1: 30th Avenue Podiatrist
Collection: This recording is part of the 30th Ave - A Year in the Life of a Street Records at the Archives at Queens Library: Yokaira Espiritu-Santo
Date: Time Period: 1991 - 2011; 2011-04-15; Interview recorded: April 15 2011
Material: Digital audio recording made using Olympus Linear PCM Recorder LS-10 digital recorder and Adobe Soundbooth CS5. Dimension:
Total running time: 0:03:32
Creator: Yokaira Espiritu-Santo interviewed by Annabel Short
Identifier: aql:18743 espiritu_santo_yokaira_clip1
Description: Dr. Yokaira Espiritu Santo talks about what inspired her to become a podiatrist and her training and education in New York. She also discusses the differences she's noticed in patients at Hans Feet on 30th Ave and Sunnyside versus Manhattan.
Creator :
Yokaira Espiritu-Santo interviewed by Annabel Short
Date :
Time Period: 1991 - 2011; 2011-04-15; Interview recorded: April 15 2011
Summary/Description :
Dr. Yokaira Espiritu Santo talks about what inspired her to become a podiatrist and her training and education in New York. She also discusses the differences she's noticed in patients at Hans Feet on 30th Ave and Sunnyside versus Manhattan.
Subject :
Podiatrists; Neighborhoods
Rights :
Contact the Archives at Queens Library (718-990-0770) for research and reproduction requests.
Coverage :
Locations discussed: Astoria, Queens, NY Astoria (New York, N.Y.) Queens (New York, N.Y.)
Type :
Oral history
Format :
Digital audio recording made using Olympus Linear PCM Recorder LS-10 digital recorder and Adobe Soundbooth CS5.; Total running time: 0:03:32
Identifier :
aql:18743 espiritu_santo_yokaira_clip1
Rights Notice
Contact the Archives at Queens Library (718-990-0770) for research and reproduction requests.
Contact the Archives at Queens Library (718-990-0770) for research and reproduction requests.
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