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Guide to the Certificates of Appointment
Control # C-8

Finding Aid prepared by: Asadorian, William

Archives at Queens Library
Queens Borough Public Library
89-11 Merrick Boulevard
Jamaica, NY 11432
Phone: (718) 990-0770

Descriptive Summary

Title Certificates of Appointment,
Dates: 1845-1948
Abstract: The certificates in this collection are miscellaneous in type, and include those awarded to elementary school students for good conduct; those given by religious institutions to individuals who enrolled in their church activities; and those conferring appointments to various posts. Several herein refer to various members of a family, but by and large there is no connection between them. The List which follows is not arranged in any particular order. The provenance is unclear, though it is known that in a few cases, these certificates were pulled out from a main body of manuscripts of a particular family or institution. Though the vast majority of them are for the nineteenth century several are for the twentieth century. Measurements given are rounded out to the nearest inch, and include the full body of the item, that is, borders and all.
Extent: 1 box, 2 cubic feet
Identification: C-8
Location: The material is located in the Archives at Queens Library.

Historical/Biographical Note

Nineteenth Century and early Twentieth Century Certificates of Appointment have always been rather ornate objects in which the artist gave full vent to his inclination to adorn the certificate with flourishing, cartouches, woodcuts and all kinds of decoration. For the most part, these certificates were also large measuring quite often as big as 21" x 16" or thereabout. All were printed in black and white (with one or two exceptions). For the most part they were issued to individuals residing in Queens County.

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Scope and Content Note

The certificates in this collection are miscellaneous in type, and include those awarded to elementary school students for good conduct; those given by religious institutions to individuals who enrolled in their church activities; and those conferring appointments to various posts. Several herein refer to various members of a family, but by and large there is no connection between them. The List which follows is not arranged in any particular order. The provenance is unclear, though it is known that in a few cases, these certificates were pulled out from a main body of manuscripts of a particular family or institution. Though the vast majority of them are for the nineteenth century several are for the twentieth century. Measurements given are rounded out to the nearest inch, and include the full body of the item, that is, borders and all.

Certificate issued to William L. Denton for honorary membership in the Board of Foreign Missioners of the Presbyterian Church. 23" x 18" Undated

Certificate issued to Mrs. Patience Denton of Jamaica for honorary membership in the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church. 21" x 16” Undated

Certificate issued to Mrs. William L. Denton of Jamaica for honorary membership in the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church. 22" x 18" Undated

Certificate issued to William L. Denton of Jamaica for life membership in the American Sunday School Union of the First Presbyterian Church. 16" x 21" March 29, 1860

Certificate issued to Rev. James M. Denton of Yaphank by the American Bible Society as Director for life.19" x 21" March 17, 1906

Certificate issued to William L. Denton of Jamaica for life membership in the Long Island Bible Society. 14" x 17" November 15,1870 x 19" June 12, 1900

Certificate issued to Amos Denton of Jamaica for honorary life Membership of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church. 21” x 16" Undated

Certificate Issued to Anna B. Denton of Yaphank for life membership in the American Bible Society. 16” x 21" April 9. 1902

Certificate Issued to Annie B. Denton for life membership in the Yaphank Bible Society, (matted) 15" x 19" Undated

Certificate issued to Mrs. Theodoria B. Denton for life membership in the Long Island Bible Society, (matted) 15" x 19" Undated

Certificate issued to William L. Denton, Jr. of Yaphank for life membership in the Long Island Bible Society. 15" x 19" Undated

Certificate Issued to Rev. James W. Denton for life membership in the Long Island Bible Society. 15" x 19" Undated

Certificate issued to Amos Denton of Jamaica as life member of the American Sunday School Union. 16" x 21" Undated

Certificate Issued to Cornelius James Bergen of Jamaica for life membership in the Long Island Bible Society. 14”x 17" November 18,1867

Certificate of Appointment of Thomas S. Rider as Fourth Sergeant in Company I of the Fortieth Regiment of New York Volunteers. 15" x 10" June 26, 1861

Membership Roll of the Atlantic Base-Ball Club. About 80 to 90 signatures appear on this certificate-like sheet which contains two crudely drawn baseball bats and other gear of the sport and the title in small hand written letters. 14”x 17" Undated

Certificate of Merit awarded to Cornelius J. Bergen for punctual attendance at Public School District No. 6. 14”x 17" June 29, 1877

Certificate attesting to the fact that Hiss Annie Grace Kellogg contributed to the erection of a monument Id memory of Abraham Lincoln. 6" x 9" Dated 1869

Certificate of appointment of Walter H. Jaycox as County Judge of Suffolk County. 18" x 15" January 15,1902

Blank Certificate issued by the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Greenpoint and intended to be given to those who made a five dollar contribution towards helping “to liquidate the pre sent floating Indebtedness of the Church”. 16" x October 1,1873

Certificate of Honorable Discharge granted to Peter Seltz by Engine and Hose Company No, 1 of Whitestone. 18" x 16” July 1, 1916

Certificate issued to Robert Brown of the Long Island City Fire Department entitling his "to all the Exemptions allowed by Law. 22” x 18” October 27,1891

Certificate issued to Stephen (Roder?) of the Jamaica Fire Department Company Protection No. l entitling him "to all the privileges and immunities granted by the Several Acts …”. 16” x 21" July 11, 1867

License to practice law Issued to Thomas McKissock, Jr. by the New York State Chief Justice of the Supreme Count. 17” x 16” May 16, 1845

Certificate issued to William A. (Warnock?) of the Jamaica Fire Department Continental Bucket No. 1 entitling him "to all privileges and immunities granted by the Several Acts …” 15" x 11" December 2,1897

Certificate awarded to Louis S. Harway by the Flushing Institute for arithmetic. This document contains a very ornate pen and ink flourishing. 23” x 18" June 15, 1886

Certificate of appointment of Thomas S. Rider as Second Lt. in the 89th Regiment, Sixth Brigade, 2nd Division of the National Guard of New York State. 17" x 12" September 21,1864

Certificate awarded to Stephen Ryder making him a Master Mason of the Jamaica Lodge No. 54 of Free and Accepted Masons. 15" x 18" November 15,1870

Engineer's Certificate Issued by the Department of Police of the City of Brooklyn to Charles J. Lockwood qualifying him "to take charge of Steam Boiler and Engine No. 472 …” 10" x 16" August 27,1880

Membership Certificate Issued by the American Flag House and Betsy Boss Memorial Association to Emil Schiellein of Jamaica. 14” x 11" Dated 1913

Certificate of membership issued to William Shannon by the Jamaica Fire Department to be appointed to the Atlantic Hook and Ladder Company No. l. 15" x 14" May 12, 1897

Membership Certificate issued by the American Flag House and Betsy Boss Memorial Association to Ida Muhlemanin of Flushing. 14”x11” Dated 1913

Proclamation issued December 12, 1943 by the Nassau County Executive "To Ye Good Citizens of South and North Hempstead" commemorating the 300th Anniversary of the first foundation of the area. Written in the style of the 17th century. (2 copies) 10" x 15" December 12,1943

Certificate of Honorable Discharge to Smith Botsford issued by Engine and Hose Company No. 1 of Whitestone entitling him "to all privileges and Immunities granted by the Several Acts …” 18" x 15" June 28,1916

Certificate awarded to Master William E, Everitt "for regular and punctual attendance, correct department and good scholarship" by Union Free School District No. 4 (probably Jamaica). 9" x 12" September 30,1873

Certificate of Membership issued to Andrew O. Netterfield by the Flushing Tercentenary General Committee. 11” x 8" October 10,1945

Appointment of Horatio P. Reed to position of Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army, This document may have the authentic signatures of Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War and Andrew Johnson, President of the United States. 16-x 19" August 20,1866

Marriage Certificate of Edward McDermott and Ellen Higgins for wedding performed in St. Michael's Catholic Church, Flushing. 13" x 25" October 10,1897

Membership Certificate in the Melrose Hose Co. 2 of Flatbush issued by the Order of American Firemen to George W. Moorehead. 8" x £5 July 30, 1887

Diploma awarded by the Queens County Agricultural Society to Mrs. (W.G.?) Hewlett for "The Best Ornamental Needle Work" exhibited at the Annual Exhibition held in Jamaica in 1857. 18" x 21" Dated 1857

Resolution passed at a meeting of the Members of the Committee of Arrangements for the Celebration of the Centennial and Anniversary of American Independence held at Jamaica on July 4, 1876, praising Mrs. Mary B. Holland for "reading the Declaration of Independence … and their appreciation of her clear, excellent and finished reading of the same". 14" x 18" July 4,1876

Testimonial presented by the State of Connecticut to Lt. Colonel William S. Cogswell of the U.S. Army in recognition "of the Courage and Patriotism by him displayed in the late War …” 21” x 17” July 4,1867

Certificate issued to James W. Eaton conveying honorary membership in the Lincoln Farm Association. 12" x 9” July 17, 1907

Certificate issued to Sylvanus Brown by District Court of the Southern District of New York admitting him as an attorney for said court. 17” x 11" October 15, 1889

Diploma awarded to William J. Weeks of Yaphank for "Two Cheese Pumpkins weighing 89 lbs." exhibited at the 1880 Exhibition sponsored by the Suffolk County Agricultural Society. 21" x 17" October 27. 1880

Appointment of Robert G. Wilson as a "Private of the Metropolitan Police Force of the District of Columbia, by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. 14" x 17" November 15. 1878

Citation awarded to Louis J. Bailey (Director of the Queens Borough Public Library) by the Mayor's Committee for the Commemoration of the Golden Anniversary of the City of Mew York for services rendered by him. 13” x 11" 1948

Award of Merit granted to the Queens Borough Public Library "For Outstanding Services In making the Queens Golden Anniversary Celebration a Success". 9” x 12" 1948

Award of Merit granted to Miss Marguerite V. Doggett (Archives at Queens Library Head) "For Outstanding Services In making the Queens Golden Anniversary Celebration a Success". 9” x 12" 1948

Certificate of Appointment of Louis J. Bailey (Queens Borough Public Library Director) by Mayor William O'Dwyer to the Mayor's Committee for the Commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of the City of Mew York. 17" x 21" January 1, 1948

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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Published citations should take the following form:

Creator of item, date of item (if known), identification of item, if a photograph its control number. The Certificates of Appointment, Archives at Queens Library, Queens Borough Public Library.

Access Restrictions

Open for research without restrictions. Manuscripts are only available in the Archives at Queens Library, please call (718) 990-0770 for hours. Manuscript users will be required to complete the division's Manuscript Usage Form and deposit their photograph identification or Queens Borough Public Library card with a staff member. The identification will be returned to the user after she/he has returned the material. Manuscript users will deposit all their personal items behind the reference desk. Manuscript users must use the division's loose sheets of paper for note taking. To reiterate, no pen of any type is permitted. Paper and a pencil are available upon request. Manuscript users may be required to use special handling procedures depending on the conditions of the material.

Use Restrictions

Permission to publish materials must be obtained in writing from the:

Archives at Queens Library
Queens Borough Public Library
89-11 Merrick Boulevard
Jamaica, NY 11432
Phone: (718) 990-0770.

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Access Points

Subject Places:

  • Queens (New York, N.Y.)

Document Types:

  • certificates

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[The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.]

Certificates of Appointment (, )
Box - Folder: Oversized Shelving Area

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