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Descriptive Summary

Historical/Biographical Note

Scope and Content Note

Administrative Information

Access Points


Guide to the Saint George Episcopal Church of Flushing Altar Guild Miscellaneous Records
Control # S-18

Finding Aid prepared by: Falco, Nicholas

Archives at Queens Library
Queens Borough Public Library
89-11 Merrick Boulevard
Jamaica, NY 11432
Phone: (718) 990-0770

Descriptive Summary

Creator St. George's Church (Flushing, New York, N.Y.)
Title Saint George Episcopal Church of Flushing Altar Guild Miscellaneous Records,
Dates: 1890-1896
Abstract: This collection is a very small one, and encompass/but a brief period. It consists of some 60 items, covering the decade of the 1890s, especially the earlier half. For the most part, these records are bills submitted by several firms for materials supplied, and brief financial statements addressed to treasurer of the guild, Miss Jennie C. Bloodgood. The bills are all receipted by the companies for having received payment. The statements are addressed to Miss Bloodgood by the rector, J. Carpenter Smith and list the various offerings presumably being turned over to the Guild. The firms whose bills are found in greater quantity are J. and R. Lamb of New York; and Cox Sons, Buckley and Co., also of New York.
Extent: 1 box, .2 cubic feet
Identification: S-18
Location: The material is located in the Archives at Queens Library.

Historical/Biographical Note

Saint George's Episcopal Church was founded in Flushing in 1702. Over the years, various church organizations sprung up, one of which was the Altar Guild. No back ground concerning this particular group was researched. However, it can be assumed that essentially the members of the Guild were responsible for furnishing the altar of the Church with appropriate linens and according to one of the rules, "The utmost care shall be taken in folding, laying away, repairing and keeping in order the vestments, altar linen, sacred vessels and all other articles used about the altar.”

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Scope and Content Note

This collection is a very small one, and encompass/but a brief period. It consists of some 60 items, covering the decade of the 1890s, especially the earlier half. For the most part, these records are bills submitted by several firms for materials supplied, and brief financial statements addressed to treasurer of the guild, Miss Jennie C. Bloodgood. The bills are all receipted by the companies for having received payment. The statements are addressed to Miss Bloodgood by the rector, J. Carpenter Smith and list the various offerings presumably being turned over to the Guild. The firms whose bills are found in greater quantity are J. and R. Lamb of New York; and Cox Sons, Buckley and Co., also of New York.

The collection also includes a small bank book (virtually blank, but containing five cancelled checks); a note book listing receipts and disbursements (1890-1896, undated); three copies of a cardboard card listing the rules and pledge of the Guild.

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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Published citations should take the following form:

Creator of item, date of item (if known), identification of item, if a photograph its control number. The Saint George Episcopal Church of Flushing Altar Guild Miscellaneous Records, Archives at Queens Library, Queens Borough Public Library.

Access Restrictions

Open for research without restrictions. Manuscripts are only available in the Archives at Queens Library, please call (718) 990-0770 for hours. Manuscript users will be required to complete the division's Manuscript Usage Form and deposit their photograph identification or Queens Borough Public Library card with a staff member. The identification will be returned to the user after she/he has returned the material. Manuscript users will deposit all their personal items behind the reference desk. Manuscript users must use the division's loose sheets of paper for note taking. To reiterate, no pen of any type is permitted. Paper and a pencil are available upon request. Manuscript users may be required to use special handling procedures depending on the conditions of the material.

Use Restrictions

Permission to publish materials must be obtained in writing from the:

Archives at Queens Library
Queens Borough Public Library
89-11 Merrick Boulevard
Jamaica, NY 11432
Phone: (718) 990-0770.

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Access Points

Subject Organizations:

  • St. George's Church (Flushing, New York, N.Y.)

Subject Places:

  • Flushing (New York, N.Y.)

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[The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.]

Box - Folder: 18IH

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