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Wally Rosenthal, Full Interview

Wally Rosenthal, Full Interview

Collection: Queens Memory Project Collection at Queens College Libraries' Department of Special Collections and Archives: Wally Rosenthal
Date: Time Period: 1913 - 2011; 2011-03-19; Interview recorded: March 19 2011 Material: Digital audio recording made using TASCAM DR-07 digital recorder and Hindenburg. Dimension: Total running time: 1:21:36
Creator: Wally Rosenthal interviewed by Tess Hartman Identifier: aql:20489 rosenthal_wally_full

Description: Walter "Wally" Rosenthal was born and raised in Flushing, Queens. In 1941, his parents moved from Jackson Heights to the home he grew up in. He moved with his family from Brooklyn back to his parent's old house in Flushing after they had passed away. His parents were politically progressive, although he was not aware of this as a child. In his teens, his mother brought him to an anti-nuclear demonstration in Manhattan, which had a great affect on him. His brothers both attended Queens College and were involved in the Civil Rights movement. Wally entered Queens College in 1964, following Freedom Summer when student Andrew Goodman was killed in Mississippi. He was very involved in anti-war activism while at school. He worked at the post office in Manhattan for 31 years. Now he is retired from the post office and teaches at York College part-time and volunteers with an immigrants' rights organization in Jackson Heights.

Collection : aql:20455; aql:20678

Creator : Wally Rosenthal interviewed by Tess Hartman

Date : Time Period: 1913 - 2011; 2011-03-19; Interview recorded: March 19 2011

Summary/Description : Walter "Wally" Rosenthal was born and raised in Flushing, Queens. In 1941, his parents moved from Jackson Heights to the home he grew up in. He moved with his family from Brooklyn back to his parent's old house in Flushing after they had passed away. His parents were politically progressive, although he was not aware of this as a child. In his teens, his mother brought him to an anti-nuclear demonstration in Manhattan, which had a great affect on him. His brothers both attended Queens College and were involved in the Civil Rights movement. Wally entered Queens College in 1964, following Freedom Summer when student Andrew Goodman was killed in Mississippi. He was very involved in anti-war activism while at school. He worked at the post office in Manhattan for 31 years. Now he is retired from the post office and teaches at York College part-time and volunteers with an immigrants' rights organization in Jackson Heights.

Subject : Cultural pluralism; Civil rights movements; Moving, Household; Segregation; Philosophy, Marxist; Busing for school integration; Russian Americans; Police brutality; Antinuclear movement; National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (U.S.); Goodman, Andrew, 1943-1964; John Bowne High School; Queens College (New York, N.Y.); New York Mets (Baseball team); Mississippi Freedom Project

Rights : This recording is the property of Queens College Libraries' Department of Special Collections and Archives. Please contact for research and reproduction requests.

Coverage : Locations discussed: Flushing, Queens and East Flatbush Brooklyn, NY; Mississippi, Greensboro, NC Mississippi Greensboro (N.C.) Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) Flushing (New York, N.Y.) Queens (New York, N.Y.)

Type : Oral history

Format : Digital audio recording made using TASCAM DR-07 digital recorder and Hindenburg.; Total running time: 1:21:36

Identifier : aql:20489 rosenthal_wally_full

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Cultural pluralism; Civil rights movements; Moving, Household; Segregation; Philosophy, Marxist; Busing for school integration; Russian Americans; Police brutality; Antinuclear movement; National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (U.S.); Goodman, Andrew, 1943-1964; John Bowne High School; Queens College (New York, N.Y.); New York Mets (Baseball team); Mississippi Freedom Project

Audio Clip

Rights Notice
This recording is the property of Queens College Libraries' Department of Special Collections and Archives. Please contact for research and reproduction requests.

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