Bob Trabold at Home
Collection: This image is part of the Robert Trabold Oral History and is available in digital image.

Date: December 5, 2011; 2011-12-05
Material: digital image Dimension:
180 dpi (digital image)
Creator: Bob Trabold
Identifier: aql:16133 trabold_robert_portrait trabold_robert_portrait.jpg
Description: Robert (Bob) Trabold is a highly educated activist who has returned to his childhood home in Jamaica after a 30-year absence.
Creator :
Bob Trabold
Date :
December 5, 2011; 2011-12-05
Summary/Description :
Robert (Bob) Trabold is a highly educated activist who has returned to his childhood home in Jamaica after a 30-year absence.
Subject :
Portraits; Trabold, Bob
Rights :
This image is the property of Queens College Libraries' Department of Special Collections and Archives. Please contact for research and reproduction requests.
Coverage :
Jamaica, NY Jamaica (New York, N.Y.) Queens (New York, N.Y.)
Type :
digital image
Format :
digital image; 180 dpi (digital image)
Identifier :
aql:16133 trabold_robert_portrait trabold_robert_portrait.jpg
Portraits; Trabold, Bob
Portraits; Trabold, Bob
Rights Notice
This image is the property of Queens College Libraries' Department of Special Collections and Archives. Please contact for research and reproduction requests.
This image is the property of Queens College Libraries' Department of Special Collections and Archives. Please contact for research and reproduction requests.
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