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Laura Paccione Oral History

Identifier: aql:20675

Description: Laura Paccione, a 40-year resident of the Waldheim section of Flushing, speaks nostalgically of her early experiences there. She particularly enjoys the trees and fondly recalls large family outings to Kissena Park. However, she feels modern Flushing is less welcoming due to overdevelopment, crowding, parking problems, and some tensions among ethnic groups.

Collection : aql:16060

Summary/Description : Laura Paccione, a 40-year resident of the Waldheim section of Flushing, speaks nostalgically of her early experiences there. She particularly enjoys the trees and fondly recalls large family outings to Kissena Park. However, she feels modern Flushing is less welcoming due to overdevelopment, crowding, parking problems, and some tensions among ethnic groups.

Identifier : aql:20675

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