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Miriam Todd, Clip 1: She Never Knew that He Was In Love With Her

Collection: Queens Memory Collection at the Archives at Queens Library: Miriam Todd
Date: Time Period: 2017; 2017-02-14; Interview recorded: February 14 2017 Material: Digital audio recording made using ZOOM H2;ZOOM H2 digital recorder and Adobe Soundbooth. Dimension: Total running time: 0:03:20
Creator: Miriam Todd interviewed by Ashley McBurnie Identifier: aql:21613 todd_miriam_clip1

Description: Miriam Todd talks about the emotional roller coaster she went through during a her first year at Rutgers as a freshman student. She had fallen for a Rutgers football player and they embarked on a turbulent emotional relationship that required them even taking therapy together.

Collection : aql:20455; aql:22644

Creator : Miriam Todd interviewed by Ashley McBurnie

Date : Time Period: 2017; 2017-02-14; Interview recorded: February 14 2017

Summary/Description : Miriam Todd talks about the emotional roller coaster she went through during a her first year at Rutgers as a freshman student. She had fallen for a Rutgers football player and they embarked on a turbulent emotional relationship that required them even taking therapy together.

Subject : Grief; Man-woman relationships

Rights : Contact for research and reproduction requests.

Coverage : Locations discussed: Cambria Heights, Queens, NY Cambria Heights (New York, N.Y.) Queens (New York, N.Y.)

Type : Oral history

Format : Digital audio recording made using ZOOM H2;ZOOM H2 digital recorder and Adobe Soundbooth.; Total running time: 0:03:20

Identifier : aql:21613 todd_miriam_clip1

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Grief; Man-woman relationships

Audio Clip

Rights Notice
Contact for research and reproduction requests.

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