Bruno Comin, Full Interview
Collection: Queens Memory Collection at the Archives at Queens Library: Bruno Comin
Date: Time Period: 1957; 2016-11-28; Interview recorded: November 28 2016
Material: Digital audio recording made using MacBook digital recorder and Adobe Soundbooth . Dimension:
Total running time: 0:26:48
Creator: Bruno Comin interviewed by Annie Murphy
Identifier: aql:22108 comin-bruno-full
Description: Bruno Comin left his country of origin when he was nineteen years old. He first moved to the Dominican Republic and moved around to many different places, eventually settling in the United States in 1965. He talks about the process of coming to the United States and what he did when he arrived. He also goes into discussion about his family.
Creator :
Bruno Comin interviewed by Annie Murphy
Date :
Time Period: 1957; 2016-11-28; Interview recorded: November 28 2016
Summary/Description :
Bruno Comin left his country of origin when he was nineteen years old. He first moved to the Dominican Republic and moved around to many different places, eventually settling in the United States in 1965. He talks about the process of coming to the United States and what he did when he arrived. He also goes into discussion about his family.
Subject :
Emigration and immigration
Rights :
Contact for research and reproduction requests.
Coverage :
Locations discussed: Dominican Republic; Manhattan, NY Manhattan (New York, N.Y.)
Type :
Oral history
Format :
Digital audio recording made using MacBook digital recorder and Adobe Soundbooth .; Total running time: 0:26:48
Identifier :
aql:22108 comin-bruno-full
Rights Notice
Contact for research and reproduction requests.
Contact for research and reproduction requests.
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