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Maria Garcia, Clip 3: Personal Value of Jackson Heights

Collection: Queens Memory Collection at the Archives at Queens Library: Maria Garcia
Date: Time Period: 1985 - 2012; 2012-01-24; Interview recorded: January 24 2012 Material: Digital audio recording made using ZOOM H2 digital recorder and Adobe Soundbooth. Dimension: Total running time: 0:01:56
Creator: Maria Garcia interviewed by Maritza Ordóñez Identifier: aql:22129 garcia-maria-clip3

Description: Maria respond to the question: "What do you mostly value about Jackson Heights and what would you miss more if you would have to move to another place?" She explains that the main thing she would miss is the closeness of the neighborhood. Everything is within a reasonable walking distance. Recorded in Spanish / María responde a la pregunta: "¿Qué es lo que más valoras sobre Jackson Heights y qué te extrañarías si tuvieras que mudarte a otro lugar?" Ella explica que lo que mas valora y haría falta es la facilidad y el alcance que tiene para conseguir lo que ella necesita, todo en el mismo lugar.

Collection : aql:20455; aql:22192

Creator : Maria Garcia interviewed by Maritza Ordóñez

Date : Time Period: 1985 - 2012; 2012-01-24; Interview recorded: January 24 2012

Summary/Description : Maria respond to the question: "What do you mostly value about Jackson Heights and what would you miss more if you would have to move to another place?" She explains that the main thing she would miss is the closeness of the neighborhood. Everything is within a reasonable walking distance. Recorded in Spanish / María responde a la pregunta: "¿Qué es lo que más valoras sobre Jackson Heights y qué te extrañarías si tuvieras que mudarte a otro lugar?" Ella explica que lo que mas valora y haría falta es la facilidad y el alcance que tiene para conseguir lo que ella necesita, todo en el mismo lugar.

Subject : Neighborhoods

Rights : Contact for research and reproduction requests.

Coverage : Locations discussed: Jackson Heights, Queens, NY Jackson Heights (New York, N.Y.) Queens (New York, N.Y.)

Type : Oral history

Format : Digital audio recording made using ZOOM H2 digital recorder and Adobe Soundbooth.; Total running time: 0:01:56

Identifier : aql:22129 garcia-maria-clip3

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