Christopher Boles, Clip 2: Working in a Coal Mine in Ireland
Collection: Queens College Irish Studies Oral History Project Records at the Archives at Queens Library: Christopher Boles
Date: Time Period: 1940’s-1970’s; 2015-07-07; Interview recorded: July 7, 2015
Material: Digital audio recording made using Zoom H2 digital recorder and Adobe Soundbooth. Dimension:
Total running time: 0:02:47
Creator: Christopher Boles interviewed by Eileen Sprague
Identifier: aql:23161 boles-christopher-clip2
Description: Christopher Boles describes what it was like to work in a coal mine back where he grew. It was backbreaking work, and he only lasted 2 months!
Creator :
Christopher Boles interviewed by Eileen Sprague
Date :
Time Period: 1940’s-1970’s; 2015-07-07; Interview recorded: July 7, 2015
Summary/Description :
Christopher Boles describes what it was like to work in a coal mine back where he grew. It was backbreaking work, and he only lasted 2 months!
Subject :
Irish Americans; Coal mines and mining
Rights :
Contact for research and reproduction requests.
Coverage :
Locations discussed: Toronto, Ontario; Woodside and Ridgewood, Queens, NY; Manhattan and Queens, NY; Ireland Woodside (New York, N.Y.) Ridgewood (New York, N.Y.) Queens (New York, N.Y.) Toronto (Ont.) Ireland
Type :
Oral history
Format :
Digital audio recording made using Zoom H2 digital recorder and Adobe Soundbooth.; Total running time: 0:02:47
Identifier :
aql:23161 boles-christopher-clip2
Rights Notice
Contact for research and reproduction requests.
Contact for research and reproduction requests.
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