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Margaret Berry, Full Interview

Collection: Queens College Irish Studies Oral History Project Records at the Archives at Queens Library: Margaret Berry
Date: Time Period: 1950s - 2015; 2015-03-28; Interview recorded: March 28, 2015 Material: Digital audio recording made using Zoom H2 digital recorder. Dimension: Total running time: 0:18:22
Creator: Margaret Berry interviewed by Eileen Sprague Identifier: aql:23163 berry-margaret-full

Description: Margaret Berry was born in Dublin. She attended school until age 13 and then worked in a knitwear factory, Viennese Knitwear Company. She saved money and immigrated to the United States with help of her uncle. She stayed for four months with his family in California and worked in Henshey’s department store. She moved to New York, and after a year, her uncle also helped Margaret’s boyfriend immigrate to New York. They were married and moved to an apartment in Woodside where they had two children, one of whom was born while visiting Ireland. They had two more children before moving to Jackson Heights, where they attended Blessed Sacrament Church and had the two youngest children. They eventually moved back to Woodside, but the couple moved to New Jersey after the children were grown to be near children and grandchildren.

Collection : aql:20455; aql:18449

Creator : Margaret Berry interviewed by Eileen Sprague

Date : Time Period: 1950s - 2015; 2015-03-28; Interview recorded: March 28, 2015

Summary/Description : Margaret Berry was born in Dublin. She attended school until age 13 and then worked in a knitwear factory, Viennese Knitwear Company. She saved money and immigrated to the United States with help of her uncle. She stayed for four months with his family in California and worked in Henshey’s department store. She moved to New York, and after a year, her uncle also helped Margaret’s boyfriend immigrate to New York. They were married and moved to an apartment in Woodside where they had two children, one of whom was born while visiting Ireland. They had two more children before moving to Jackson Heights, where they attended Blessed Sacrament Church and had the two youngest children. They eventually moved back to Woodside, but the couple moved to New Jersey after the children were grown to be near children and grandchildren.

Subject : Irish Americans; Emigration and immigration

Rights : Contact for research and reproduction requests.

Coverage : Locations discussed: Woodside and Jackson Heights, Queens, NY; Dublin, Ireland; New Jersey Woodside (New York, N.Y.) Jackson Heights (New York, N.Y.) Queens (New York, N.Y.) Dublin (Ireland)

Type : Oral history

Format : Digital audio recording made using Zoom H2 digital recorder.; Total running time: 0:18:22

Identifier : aql:23163 berry-margaret-full

Related Items

Irish Americans; Emigration and immigration

Audio Clip

Rights Notice
Contact for research and reproduction requests.

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