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We Speak Your Language

We Speak Your Language

Collection: The Queens Borough Public Library Records
Date: 2019 Material: Digital image Dimension: 1.7 x 1.7 inches; 600 ppi
Creator: Pauline Fife Identifier: aql:38827 qpl-125-PF-04052021-001 qpl-125-PF-04052021-001.tif

Description: QPL Librarian Pauline Fife at the Bellerose Library at a "We Speak Your Language" event in 2019. The outreach means: we speak Spanish, Chinese, Bengali, Russian, Greek, and many other tongues. It also means we speak imagination, tech, history, LGBTQ, HTML, finance, nonfiction, science fiction, story-time, chess, teens, opportunity, and many other interests and pursuits.

Collection : aql:37267

Creator : Pauline Fife

Date : 2019

Summary/Description : QPL Librarian Pauline Fife at the Bellerose Library at a "We Speak Your Language" event in 2019. The outreach means: we speak Spanish, Chinese, Bengali, Russian, Greek, and many other tongues. It also means we speak imagination, tech, history, LGBTQ, HTML, finance, nonfiction, science fiction, story-time, chess, teens, opportunity, and many other interests and pursuits.

Subject : Public libraries; Library outreach programs; Queens Borough Public Library

Rights : CC BY-NC-SA Contact for research and reproduction requests.

Coverage : 250-06 Hillside Avenue, Bellerose, Queens, NY 11426 Bellerose (Nassau County, N.Y.) Queens (New York, N.Y.)

Type : Photographs

Format : Digital image; 1.7 x 1.7 inches; 600 ppi

Identifier : aql:38827 qpl-125-PF-04052021-001 qpl-125-PF-04052021-001.tif

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Public libraries; Library outreach programs; Queens Borough Public Library
Rights Notice
CC BY-NC-SA Contact for research and reproduction requests.

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