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Illustration of the Payntar House

Collection: This image is from The Eugene Armbruster Drawings and Photographs and is depicted in a print and digital image.; Image is part of the Eugene Armbruster Drawings and Photographs
Date: 1903 Material: gelatin silver print Dimension: 3 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches (print); 400 ppi (digital image)
Creator: Eugene L. Armbruster Identifier: aql:9221 ela-003509 ela-003509.tif

Description: Illustration of the Payntar house. Image was used in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle on Sunday August 2, 1903.; hand written on back of print: William Payntars Farmhouse on a plot bounded by Skillman Ave Jackson Av + the north shore RR tracks. Was built about 1700 by one of the Broucards. Passed to the Ryersons, then to the Larramores, in 1831 to the Payntar family. Bourgan Broucard came 1688 to the Dutch Kills + purchased 1690 + 1693 a large estate then including the plantation originally of Burger Jeris He sold this farm in 1702 to William Post His son Isaac was born 1676 + died 1759. His son Peter inherited the paternal estates which he sold after the Revolution + removed to Fish Kill His son Isaac died 1760. His son Richard born 1748 heir to his fathers farm. He died 1818 LIC 1903

Collection : aql:7837; vital:1

Creator : Eugene L. Armbruster

Date : 1903

Summary/Description : Illustration of the Payntar house. Image was used in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle on Sunday August 2, 1903.; hand written on back of print: William Payntars Farmhouse on a plot bounded by Skillman Ave Jackson Av + the north shore RR tracks. Was built about 1700 by one of the Broucards. Passed to the Ryersons, then to the Larramores, in 1831 to the Payntar family. Bourgan Broucard came 1688 to the Dutch Kills + purchased 1690 + 1693 a large estate then including the plantation originally of Burger Jeris He sold this farm in 1702 to William Post His son Isaac was born 1676 + died 1759. His son Peter inherited the paternal estates which he sold after the Revolution + removed to Fish Kill His son Isaac died 1760. His son Richard born 1748 heir to his fathers farm. He died 1818 LIC 1903

Subject : Dwellings

Rights : Public domain

Coverage : Northern Boulevard and 40th Road, Long Island City, NY Long Island City (New York, N.Y.) Queens (New York, N.Y.)

Type : black and white print; digital image

Format : gelatin silver print; 3 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches (print); 400 ppi (digital image)

Identifier : aql:9221 ela-003509 ela-003509.tif

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