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Janet Miles, Full Interview

Collection: Queens Memory Collection at the Archives at Queens Library: Janet Miles
Date: Time Period: 1969 - 2016; 2016-04-08; Interview recorded: April 8 2016 Material: Digital audio recording made using a digital recorder. Dimension: Total running time: 0:26:14
Creator: Janet Miles interviewed by Arbesh Khan and Reshad Hai Identifier: aql:22100 miles-janet-full

Description: Janet Miles grew up in Pennsylvania before moving to upstate New York. She later relocated to different boroughs of New York City from Manhattan to the Bronx then Brooklyn before ending up in Queens. Janet resides at Jamaica Residence with her husband and twin sons. She discusses the hardships of living in a shelter and what the experience has taught her. She hopes to move out in the near future and eventually leaving New York City and owning a home.

Collection : aql:20455; aql:22183

Creator : Janet Miles interviewed by Arbesh Khan and Reshad Hai

Date : Time Period: 1969 - 2016; 2016-04-08; Interview recorded: April 8 2016

Summary/Description : Janet Miles grew up in Pennsylvania before moving to upstate New York. She later relocated to different boroughs of New York City from Manhattan to the Bronx then Brooklyn before ending up in Queens. Janet resides at Jamaica Residence with her husband and twin sons. She discusses the hardships of living in a shelter and what the experience has taught her. She hopes to move out in the near future and eventually leaving New York City and owning a home.

Subject : Shelters for the homeless; Families

Rights : Contact for research and reproduction requests.

Coverage : Locations discussed: Pennsylvania; Bronx and Brooklyn, NY Bronx (New York, N.Y.) Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) Queens (New York, N.Y.)

Type : Oral history

Format : Digital audio recording made using a digital recorder.; Total running time: 0:26:14

Identifier : aql:22100 miles-janet-full

Related Items

Shelters for the homeless; Families

Audio Clip

Rights Notice
Contact for research and reproduction requests.

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