Newtown - West Gabled End of the Scudder House on 54th Avenue
Collection: Eugene Armbruster Drawings and Photographs
Date: 1924
Material: Black and white photograph Dimension:
4.5 x 3.5 inches; 400 dpi
Creator: Eugene L. Armbruster
Identifier: aql:38971 ela-003895 ela-003895.TIFF
Description: Scudder House - West gable end of the Old Scudder House on the south side of 54th Avenue (former Newtown Ave.), just west of Maurice Avenue. The house was moved across the street to this location in 1899 from the NW corner where it was in the grounds that are now occupied by Mt. Zion Cemetery. The house was occupied by James Way 1852, 1860; H.T. Way 1873; Louis Serlein occupied the house in 1890, and his family was still there in 1924. The house became part of the Roadhouse Hotel on the SW corner.
Creator :
Eugene L. Armbruster
Date :
Summary/Description :
Scudder House - West gable end of the Old Scudder House on the south side of 54th Avenue (former Newtown Ave.), just west of Maurice Avenue. The house was moved across the street to this location in 1899 from the NW corner where it was in the grounds that are now occupied by Mt. Zion Cemetery. The house was occupied by James Way 1852, 1860; H.T. Way 1873; Louis Serlein occupied the house in 1890, and his family was still there in 1924. The house became part of the Roadhouse Hotel on the SW corner.
Subject :
Farmhouses; Dwellings
Rights :
Public domain
Coverage :
Maspeth, Queens, NY Maspeth (New York, N.Y.) Queens (New York, N.Y.) Newtown (Queens County, N.Y.)
Type :
Black and white photograph
Format :
Black and white photograph; 4.5 x 3.5 inches; 400 dpi
Identifier :
aql:38971 ela-003895 ela-003895.TIFF
Farmhouses; Dwellings
Farmhouses; Dwellings
Rights Notice
Public domain
Public domain
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