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Houses on Grand Avenue

Collection: This image is from The Eugene Armbruster Drawings and Photographs and is depicted in a print and digital image.; Image is part of the Eugene Armbruster Drawings and Photographs
Date: March, 1923; 1923-03 Material: gelatin silver print Dimension: 3 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches (print); 400 ppi (digital image)
Creator: Eugene L. Armbruster Identifier: aql:9251 ela-004065 ela-004065.tif

Description: Houses on Grand Avenue. Owned by Schnelling, Sheperd and Lansing in 1891. A church steeple can be seen in the center distance. Print is faded.; hand written on back of print: Grant Street southside looking east to Queens Boulevard The houses next to tall house on left are no 23 Schnelling 1891 stood on corner no 25 (with spite shown in rear) also Schnelling proprty 1891 Judge Scheper House adjoining Newtown March 1923

Collection : aql:7837; vital:1

Creator : Eugene L. Armbruster

Date : March, 1923; 1923-03

Summary/Description : Houses on Grand Avenue. Owned by Schnelling, Sheperd and Lansing in 1891. A church steeple can be seen in the center distance. Print is faded.; hand written on back of print: Grant Street southside looking east to Queens Boulevard The houses next to tall house on left are no 23 Schnelling 1891 stood on corner no 25 (with spite shown in rear) also Schnelling proprty 1891 Judge Scheper House adjoining Newtown March 1923

Subject : Dwellings

Rights : Public domain

Coverage : Grand Avenue and Queens Boulevard, Elmhurst, NY Elmhurst (New York, N.Y.) Queens (New York, N.Y.)

Type : black and white print; digital image

Format : gelatin silver print; 3 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches (print); 400 ppi (digital image)

Identifier : aql:9251 ela-004065 ela-004065.tif

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