John L. Lawrence Papers
Description: This collection consists of about 65 items, and though the major portion of them concern John L. Lawrence, several do not. Mr. Lawrence's papers are a mixture of both personal and business items, reflecting primarily on some of his activities in the legal profession. The collection is too small to contain any definite theme or thrust, however. Most of the items are letters received, the earliest of these being dated 1816, and the latest 1849 the year of Mr. Lawrence's death. The miscellaneous documents which number about fifteen items include a fairly lengthy composition or essay titled "On Envy"; a translation of a Dutch document concerning the sloop, "Maria Elizabeth"; Mr. Lawrence's license to practice his profession of attorney-at-law, dated 1819; a pass signed by the office of the British Secretary of State permitting Mr. Lawrence to embark from Liverpool to America "without any Lett, Hindrance or Molestation whatsoever ", dated 1816?; a certificate of appointment of William W. Miner as a Captain in the l74th Regiment of Infantry of the New York State Volunteers, dated 1862; and an invitation (addressee unknown) to attend the launching of the U.S. torpedo boat destroyer "Lawrence", dated 1900. These latter 2 items are the only ones in the collection dated after 1849.
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