Jacqueline Shore, Clip 2: Wedding
Collection: Queens Memory Collection at the Archives at Queens Library: Jacqueline Shore

Date: Time Period: 2012-2018; 2018-06-26; Interview recorded: June 26 2018
Material: Digital audio recording made using Zoom H2 digital recorder digital recorder and Adobe Audition. Dimension:
Total running time: 00:03:11
Creator: Jacqueline Shore interviewed by Vallaire Wallace
Identifier: aql:34067 shore-jacqueline-clip2
Description: Jacqueline talks about their wedding that was quick and simple. They planned it in one month, only invited 5 friends, and got married at the Central Park Conservatory. The ceremony lasted for 1 hour and they almost got kicked out, but were allowed to stay. Clip taken from Part 1 of the interview.
Creator :
Jacqueline Shore interviewed by Vallaire Wallace
Date :
Time Period: 2012-2018; 2018-06-26; Interview recorded: June 26 2018
Summary/Description :
Jacqueline talks about their wedding that was quick and simple. They planned it in one month, only invited 5 friends, and got married at the Central Park Conservatory. The ceremony lasted for 1 hour and they almost got kicked out, but were allowed to stay. Clip taken from Part 1 of the interview.
Subject :
Rights :
Contact digitalarchives@queenslibrary.org for research and reproduction requests.
Coverage :
Locations discussed: Central Park, Manhattan, NY Manhattan (New York, N.Y.) Central Park (New York, N.Y.)
Type :
Oral history
Format :
Digital audio recording made using Zoom H2 digital recorder digital recorder and Adobe Audition.; Total running time: 00:03:11
Identifier :
aql:34067 shore-jacqueline-clip2
Rights Notice
Contact digitalarchives@queenslibrary.org for research and reproduction requests.
Contact digitalarchives@queenslibrary.org for research and reproduction requests.
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